查看完整版本: I just fucked a girl in my office

yanghaofly 2011-9-15 17:48

I just fucked a girl in my office

I am a teacher in a high school,in my office,there's another beautiful girl who has a crush on me.I have a little bit like her too.As time goes by,I think I am in love with her.So one day,we went out in a hotel and made love.That's a beautiful thing,but the problem is she already has a boyfriend,she was confused,so was I.I don't know who was hurt in this complicated thing.shit!

choibo21z 2011-10-25 02:02

It's all depending on u, If u sure you love her and so as her.

you can easily win over this relationship.

but if neither of u are not so sure about the love.

stay away, you would get some trouble

keephealthy 2011-11-13 11:11

if u can tell us the details ,we will appreciate

好射之徒 2011-11-13 14:19

Why do u say these things?if u don't know how to do,who tama else know?!

keephealthy 2011-11-14 23:43

every day read ur topic,and nothing new

dumbfrog 2011-11-24 22:56

we need details:lol:
the name of the school, you and the girl.:tongue
you fuck a girl has a boyfriend and one day someone will fuck her when she become your girl friend

hardgg 2011-12-5 23:14

it depends that u love her or u love to have sex with her.

nightmare3k 2011-12-17 02:02

^ i agree
y shouldnt be confused

manfredchang 2011-12-24 00:11

[quote]原帖由 [i]yanghaofly[/i] 于 2011-9-15 17:48 发表 [bbs=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=76028965&ptid=4093740][img]images/common/back.gif[/img][/bbs]
I am a teacher in a high school,in my office,there's another beautiful girl who has a crush on me.I have a little bit like her too.As time goes by,I think I am in love with her.So one day,we went out  ... [/quote]

You are definitely not hurt. You are a man fucking a beautiful girl. What did you lose? Nothing! Good for you. I wish I have your luck.

vagaa01 2011-12-25 08:36

in my opinion , a lot of pepole here are chinese ,like me ,poor english ,is that true?

紫癜 2011-12-26 23:04

i think you can get some time aprt with that girl.maybe some time later ,the girl will find who she likes....

aus820 2012-1-30 02:18

would you like to upload ur foto with her, like Mr. CHEN? we're waiting.

bupt031451 2012-2-3 18:54

i envy you .some girl like me too. but i  lack the courage to fuck them  because i can't accept them as my girlfriend.

moon011004 2012-2-3 18:56

you are a  fuck man     i agree
y shouldnt be confused

code01 2012-2-9 17:31

I thought you would talk about how things done in your office. I am too....

iwoaitianjin 2012-3-3 00:37

[quote]原帖由 [i]好射之徒[/i] 于 2011-11-13 14:19 发表 [bbs=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=77544502&ptid=4093740][img]images/common/back.gif[/img][/bbs]
Why do u say these things?if u don't know how to do,who tama else know?! [/quote]
what a great word!。tama。

flet123 2012-3-3 01:03

u can go ahead if she deserves it,or u are just friends in sex,don't rolling in the deep.

pixit 2012-3-6 06:30

haha you must be proud of yourself then for a pleasure enjoy

xiel0531_dl 2012-3-6 15:17

so,it really decided by you. if you love her really then continue this relation with her and you can make love with her more strong. If you don't love her in your heart. you should leave her away as fas as you can.

小萌女 2012-3-6 23:48

to be honest. your words should not have had .so many mistakes.be . who you are!
never can i bother it any more!
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