查看完整版本: How to download pictures from Special Gallery?

one_eye 2011-6-28 23:22

How to download pictures from Special Gallery?

Hi there,

Can someone enlighten me how to download the photo packages from the Special Gallery section?

I can see the sample photos, but not sure how to download.

Any info is greatly appreciated.

kelekelekele 2011-6-30 21:57

That is also my question, if you get the way, tell me, all for one , and one for all.

a55paht 2011-7-3 21:53

:faint HA! here comes a awesome person to help you :D there should be a download button, or you can ask the mod or something. i am not so sure :faint well atleast i tried to help you :D

huoyan091 2011-8-3 15:33

I also want to know .Is there somebody reply that? thanks.

DrunkenNeko 2011-8-8 13:10

Info plz. That would be raelly great.

leongburg 2011-8-8 15:13

me also curious about it ~
who can answer the question for us ~

lbtr 2011-9-3 00:31

could it be through ftp since there is an ftp section?

webberxbl 2011-9-12 13:35

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q8347876362401 2011-9-14 13:02

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forumdiv3r 2014-3-15 00:42

I think there is some kind of attachment for you to download. Can you share more info so that we can assist you further?

skipper 2018-6-3 21:45

I think you might be upgrade  yourself with more golden coins.
first you need to work and work
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查看完整版本: How to download pictures from Special Gallery?