查看完整版本: I have a dream.

runbuer 2011-9-5 22:08

i lost my id,how can i get back??

webberxbl 2011-9-12 12:44

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yanghaofly 2011-9-15 21:01

You are a genuis

You write this like a poem,that's very impressive.
I have to say,I have a dream exactly like yours too.

choibo21z 2011-10-25 02:00

haha almost reminded me of song

well, only way I can think of is, probably try to reply and post as much as u can

it could work out well in the end

keephealthy 2011-11-1 09:33

That is also my dream .I also hope i can get level 3 or even more

pout4567 2011-11-3 04:40

goddamn yeah,so post some more for beginning.

keephealthy 2011-11-3 14:53

It seems  not so many people come to this section,Only dream

nightmare3k 2011-12-17 02:09

be hardworking man, evrybody here has same dream with y

forumdiv3r 2014-3-14 21:20

Seriously, just post some meaningful reply and you will eventually gets level 2. Such thing is no need to dream about. :faint
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