查看完整版本: foreign friends~~ here s a new comer's experience: how to promote the level

yenyenboy 2011-9-1 12:29

i hope that this forum can give some missions for us to earn coins faster.

lbtr 2011-9-3 00:27

that is really useful info. thanks for sharing.

hunterqwer1234 2011-9-4 15:42

thank you for your help! i really want to update!

honey_bee 2011-9-9 16:16

pay and become a VIP member is the fastest way to get promoted

q8347876362401 2011-9-9 19:19

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jaythe1one 2011-9-11 00:33

well at least its not just replying and being a sponsor, but it is a good method

choibo21z 2011-10-25 03:10

that's the best information so far to know how lv system works :)

thank you

cristopanda 2011-11-5 23:28

really?i got it!

thx for sharing us so useful methodology~

水梦影 2011-11-6 19:45

for a person who do not want to be author,the only way for me is keep on relying T T

keephealthy 2011-11-7 11:23

thx for sharing and hope i can promote mine soon

usagi123 2011-11-7 13:01

it seems reply is a only way to level up, my god....

华理的狼 2011-11-16 19:02

wow, :excellence  it's really helpful ~ thank u

keephealthy 2011-11-18 14:21

thx for ur good experience and i will try

keephealthy 2011-11-18 14:23

It seems working but taking lots of time,no easy

cz85 2011-12-18 13:51

So I just have to post a reply 25 times and I am level 2? Hopefully I don't get banned for spamming haha. Thanks for the help!

manfredchang 2011-12-24 00:19

[quote]原帖由 [i]gggsssyyygsy[/i] 于 2011-3-1 14:46 发表 [bbs=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=68463940&ptid=3711372][img]images/common/back.gif[/img][/bbs]
first of all. I am a chinese and I am learning english.
so when i came to this forum i saw many foreign friends asking the same question: how to get promotion?
i m new here too and 3 days ago , i o ... [/quote]

Very useful tips. Thanks a lot and wish you a good day.

malling 2012-2-14 19:36

written too long so you can just read where is bold

sammyzjd 2012-2-21 22:18

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mavapo 2012-2-22 18:10


色色阿郎 2012-2-22 20:31

it's a great help for me. thans!
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查看完整版本: foreign friends~~ here s a new comer's experience: how to promote the level