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ahpoo0101 2011-2-17 09:11

Account Level Issue

How much topic i need to distribute in order to archive Level 3??
Thanks for ur reply = )

voyeur123 2011-2-17 12:53

You can redirect this question to Mods who, if you are lucky enough, could give you an exact standard.

xzyan 2011-2-18 07:20

You need 500 GOLD to upgrade to Lv.3.

Once your gold is  below 500, your level will drop to 2 again.

gggsssyyygsy 2011-3-1 14:52

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teddytae 2011-3-6 13:49

Reply 4楼 gggsssyyygsy's post

more and more how many topic i have create

明天吃大排 2011-3-7 22:51

u dont really need to create topics, some reply gets golds for you

simonwestdoor 2011-3-8 09:21

i get it and now target to 500 gold

lewd 2011-3-8 12:18

can someone post Level standard, i cant find the older version

cmyabcdef 2011-3-13 09:15

you can direct the qustion to AD

voyeur123 2011-4-2 08:44

[quote]原帖由 [i]yuzaifei[/i] 于 2011-3-31 22:14 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
i ve seen so many topic like this ! the pnly way is reply again and again [/quote]
Were I a vigilante, I would report your violation of rules. You deserve a total ban.
However, I hold those vigilantes hired by this forum in scorn.

dmlike 2011-5-27 19:56

it will take a long time for me to reach level 3, i will keep moving on.

adminssions 2011-5-28 09:02

Can I reply in english in the chinese section.
Does it violate the rule?

a55paht 2011-5-28 20:20

i think you need at 250 points for every level, so its about 750 post you need to get you to level 3.

erdana 2011-5-30 07:29

Wow, from now on I will reply to every single thread I see. I guess you have to work hard to gain that promotion.

supersonics 2011-5-31 17:18

thank you for telling me that, I will keep on replying

mrjoe 2011-6-5 01:31

I guess this is one way to get gold also, replying to the same question over and over.

greenyyu1 2011-6-9 23:47

more and more how many topic i have create

xueqi89 2011-6-10 06:25

i just get it now i have to reply to get gold but some topic won't let me reply

nyhyeah 2011-6-11 22:40

500 topic need to be reply.oh

a55paht 2011-7-3 22:04

how does you gold drop?
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查看完整版本: Account Level Issue