查看完整版本: Where Do I post?

71393178 2011-2-17 00:53

Wish i could write or understand chinese, make browsing this forum much easier hehe

gggsssyyygsy 2011-3-1 15:04

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eroticknight 2011-3-2 21:22

Oh. i am same situation  you. i know only one way to level up is reply and reply .

sxl52521 2011-3-3 19:51

You can find administrator ask.

lewd 2011-3-8 13:55

Read the rules, you'll know where to post;
For upgrading your lv, you can not only post threads,but also reply other threads.

lelevan 2011-3-23 01:59

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heysora 2011-4-19 13:51

Im waiting for my level upgrade....i think that is the best fantasy site

cc9086 2011-4-21 13:23


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cc9086 2011-4-21 13:24

for gold

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augsec 2011-4-21 22:06

Live your life may be a good section for you,you can try,member of LV 1 can get access to such section

cnbn2 2011-4-24 03:19

Being a newbie, he is not even allowed post anything in BT sections, let alone "good luck".

goingwell 2011-5-1 18:44

yes. it depend on what's kind of content you want to post. and what privillege do you have.. try correct place post valuable content.

taizi105 2011-5-2 17:26

oh,it is wonderful! I can learn english an get some particulery things

shamanlords 2011-5-4 01:29

yup I have been a memebr for very long and this is my first ever post.. some of the things here are rather confusing lol!

scottmonk 2011-5-6 00:18

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wenrenming 2011-5-11 11:47

You get section you can get into, and post, and time passes by, you can get into more section

adminssions 2011-5-23 07:27

Can the advance member or some one list out a list where can the newbie can post or create thread? As far as I know 1 or 2 section only can newbie post.

aikikikik 2011-5-23 15:18

Some sectors of SIS are open to newbie.  And you can reply some threads in these sectors.

mrjoe 2011-6-5 01:43

Every section have their own rules, please make sure you read or MOD will be mad

1355067783 2011-6-13 00:03

i am sorry,i can't help you,sorry
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查看完整版本: Where Do I post?