查看完整版本: [俄罗斯/三级]酸世代 Кислота (2018)中字[MP4/1.7G/XN/BT]

影音大咖 2024-1-14 20:07

[俄罗斯/三级]酸世代 Кислота (2018)中字[MP4/1.7G/XN/BT]

Acid (2018) HD
Released: 04 Oct 2018
Runtime: 97 Mins
Genre: Drama Countries: Russia Languages: Russian Spanish
Directed By: Aleksandr Gorchilin
Actors: Philip Avdeev Aleksandr Kuznetsov Arina Shevtsova Savva Savelyev Aleksandra Rebenok Roza Khairullina Dmitriy Kulichkov Elena Morozova Alexey Agranovich Anastasiya Evgrafova Sofya Sinitsyna Petr Skvortsov
Internal:  English
Alternate Titles: Кислота kislota
They have been abandoned in a world adorned with concepts such as family, friendship, love, and opportunities. In search of answers to their questions, they devour themselves like a chemical substance that corrodes the world around, in order to eventually learn not to listen but to hear, not to look but to see. And to find their way.

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查看完整版本: [俄罗斯/三级]酸世代 Кислота (2018)中字[MP4/1.7G/XN/BT]